Filmele "There Will Be Blood", in regia lui Paul Thomas Anderson, si "Nu exista tara pentru batrani", in regia fratilor Joel si Ethan Coen, au obtinut fiecare cate opt nominalizari la premiile Oscar.
"Atonement" si "Michael Clayton" urmeaza in topul filmelor cu cele mai multe nominalizari, fiecare fiind nominalizat la sapte categorii ale Oscarului.
"The Atonement"
George Clooney – "Michael Clayton"
Cate Blanchett – "
Cel mai bun actor intr-un rol secundar:
Casey Affleck – "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford"
Cate Blanchett – "I’m not There"
Cel mai bun regizor:
Julian Schnabel, "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"
Cel mai bun film strain al anului:
"Beaufort", Israel
Cel mai bun montaj:
Christopher Rouse, "The Bourne Ultimatum"
Juliette Welfling, "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"
Jay Cassidy, "Into the Wild"
Roderick Jaynes, "No Country for Old Men"
Dylan Tichenor, "There Will Be Blood"
Cel mai bun scenariu:
"Lars and the real girl"
"Michael Clayton"
"The savages"
Cel mai bun scenariu adaptat:
"Away from her"
"No country for old men"
"There will be blood"
Cea mai buna regie artistica:
"American Gangster"
"The Atonement"
"The Golden Compass"
"Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"
"There Will Be Blood"
Cea mai buna imagine:
"The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford"
"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"
"No Country for Old Men" Cel mai bun film de animatie:
"There Will Be Blood"
"Surf's Up"
Cel mai bun documentar:
"No End in Sight"
"Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience"
"Taxi to the Dark Side"
Cel mai bun montaj:
"The Bourne Ultimatum”
"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"
"Into the Wild"
"No Country for Old Men"
"There Will Be Blood"
Cel mai bun scurtmetraj de animatie:
"I Met the Walrus"
"Madame Tutli-Putli"
"Męme Les Pigeons Vont au Paradis (Even Pigeons Go to Heaven)"
"My Love (Moya Lyubov)"
"Peter & the Wolf"
Cel mai bun scurtmetraj:
"At Night"
"Il Supplente (The Substitute)"
"Le Mozart des Pickpockets (The Mozart of Pickpockets)"
"Tanghi Argentini"
"The Tonto Woman"
Cel mai bun montaj de sunet:
"The Bourne Ultimatum"
"No Country for Old Men"
"There Will Be Blood"
Cel mai bun mixaj de sunet:
"The Bourne Ultimatum"
"No Country for Old Men"
"3:10 to Yuma"
Cele mai bune efecte vizuale:
"The Golden Compass"
"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"
Cea mai buna coloana sonora:
"The Kite Runner"
"Michael Clayton"
"3:10 to Yuma"
Cea mai buna melodie originala:
"Falling Slowly"("Once")
"Happy Working Song" ("Enchanted")
"Raise It Up" ("August Rush")
"So Close" ("Enchanted")
"That's How You Know" ("Enchanted")
Cel mai bun machiaj:
"La Vie en Rose",
"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"
Cele mai bune costume:
"Across the Universe"
"Elizabeth: The Golden Age"
"La Vie en Rose"
"Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"
Destinele a doi bărbați și ale familiilor lor se intersectează în urma unui tragic accident.