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Serialul care a ajuns la peste 6000 de episoade si este transmis fara intrerupere de 24 de ani: Afla care a fost marele castigator la Gala Premiilor Emmy!

Duminica seara, in Las Vegas, a avut loc gala decernarii premiilor Daytime Emmy. Marele castigator a fost celebrul soap opera “The Bold and The Beautfiul/ Dragoste si putere”, care a castigat premiul pentru cel mai bun serial drama, pentru al treilea an consecutiv.

Serialul care a ajuns la peste 6000 de episoade si este transmis fara intrerupere de 24 de ani: Afla care a fost marele castigator la Gala Premiilor Emmy!

Lansat in 1987, pe postul de televiziune CBS, serialul a ajuns la un numar de 6092 de episoade pana in data de 17 iunie 2011. In momentul de fata, este singurul soap opera american cu o durata de doar 30 de minute ce inca este transmis.

A fost ani la rand cel mai urmarit serial de acest gen din lume, cu o audienta estimata  la 26.2 milioane de telespectatori.

Serialul a adunat de-a lungul timpului 31 de trofee Daytime Emmy Award, inclusiv pentru cel mai bun serial drama, premiu pe care l-a castigat de trei ori consecutiv, incepand cu anul 2009.

Iata lista nominalizatilor la toate categoriile si castigatorii

Cel mai bun serial drama

All My Children (ABC)

The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) - Castigator

General Hospital (ABC)

The Young and the Restless (CBS)

Cel mai buna emisiune de concursuri si jocuri

Cash Cab (Discovery Channel) Jeopardy! (Syndicated) - Castigator

The Price is Right (CBS)

Wheel of Fortune (Syndicated) - Castigator


Cel mai bun talk-show de divertisment

The Ellen DeGeneres Show (Syndicated) - Castigator

Live with Regis and Kelly (Syndicated)

Rachael Ray (Syndicated)

The View (ABC)


Cel mai bun talk-show informativ

The Dr. Oz Show (Syndicated) - Castigator

Dr Phil (Syndicated)

The Doctors (Syndicated)


Cea mai buna actrita in rol principal intr-un serial

Alicia Minshew (Kendall Slater) - All My Children (ABC)

Debbi Morgan (Angie Hubbard) - All My Children (ABC)

Colleen Zenk (Barbara Ryan) - As The World Turns (CBS)

Susan Flannery (Stephanie Forrester) - The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)

Laura Wright (Carly Corinthos Jacks) - General Hospital (ABC) - Castigator

Michelle Stafford (Phyllis Summers) - The Young and the Restless (CBS)


Cel mai bun actor in rol principal intr-un serial

Ricky Paull Goldin (Jake Martin) - All My Children (ABC)

Michael Park (Jack Snyder) - As The World Turns (CBS) - Castigator

James Scott (EJ DiMera) - Days of Our Lives (NBC)

Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) - General Hospital (ABC)

Christian Le Blanc (Michael Baldwin) - The Young and the Restless (CBS)


Cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar intr-un serial

Melissa Claire Egan (Annie Chandler) - All My Children (ABC)

Julie Pinson (Janet Ciconne) - As The World Turns (CBS)

Heather Tom (Katie Logan Spencer) - The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) - Castigator

Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis) - General Hospital (ABC)

Bree Williamson (Jessica Brennan) - One Life To Live (ABC)

Tricia Cast (Nina Webster) - The Young and the Restless (CBS)

Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar intr-un serial

Jonathan Jackson (Lucky Spencer) - General Hospital (ABC) - Castigator

Jason Thompson (Patrick Drake) - General Hospital (ABC)

Brian Kerwin (Charlie Banks) - One Life To Live (ABC)

Doug Davidson (Paul Williams) - The Young and the Restless (CBS)

Billy Miller (Billy Abbott) - The Young and the Restless (CBS)


Cea mai buna tanara actrita

Brittany Allen (Marisa Chandler) - All My Children (ABC) - Castigator

Lexi Ainsworth (Kristina Corinthos Davis) - General Hospital (ABC)

Emily O'Brien (Jana Hawkes) - The Young and the Restless (CBS)


Cel mai bun tanar actor

Scott Clifton (William Spencer III aka Liam Cooper) - The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) - Castigator

Chandler Massey (Will Horton) - Days of our Lives (NBC)

Chad Duell (Michael Corinthos) - General Hospital (ABC)

Cel mai bun prezentator al unei emisiuni de jocuri si concursuri

Ben Bailey - Cash Cab (Discovery) - Castigator

Todd Newton - Family Game Night (The Hub)

Wayne Brady - Let's Make A Deal (CBS)

Meredith Vieira - Who Wants to be a Millionaire (Syndicated)


Cel mai bun moderator al unui talk-show

Dr Mehmet Oz - The Dr Oz Show (Syndicated) - Castigator

Kelly Ripa, Regis Philbin - Live with Regis and Kelly (ABC) - Castigator

Rachael Ray - Rachael Ray (Syndicated)

Dr Travis Stork, Dr Andrew Ordon, Dr Jim Sears, Dr Lisa Masterson - The Doctors (Syndicated)

Sherri Shepherd, Barbara Walters, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg - The View (ABC)

Cea mai buna echipa de regizori

The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) - Castigator

General Hospital (ABC)

One Life to Live (ABC)

The Young and the Restless (CBS) – Castigator

Cea mai buna echipa de scenaristi

As The World Turns (CBS)

The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)

Days of Our Lives (NBC)

The Young and the Restless (CBS) - Castigator


Premiul pentru intreaga cariera

Pat Sajak - Castigator

Alex Trebek - Castigator

Premiul “Chairman's Crystal Pillar”

Oprah Winfrey - Castigator

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