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Premiile Emmy: Breaking Bad, True Detective, nominalizate pentru cel mai bun serial de drama. Vezi aici lista completa

Au fost anuntate nominalizarile pentru premiile Emmy, considerate echivalentul Oscarurilor in televiziune. Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad si surpriza categoriei, True Detective se vor lupta pentru titlul de cel mai bun serial de drama. La categoria seriale de comedie sunt Modern Family, Veep, Louie, Orange is the New Black, Silicon Valley. Iata mai jos lista completa a nominalizatilor.

Premiile Emmy: Breaking Bad, True Detective, nominalizate pentru cel mai bun serial de drama. Vezi aici lista completa

Nominalzarile pentru cea de-a 66 editie a Premiilor Primetime Emmy au fost anuntate, iar editia din acest an va aduce una dintre cele mai bune si stranse curse. Batalia cea mai mare se da la categoria cel mai bun serial de drama, unde sunt nominalizate 6 dintre cele mai bune seriale create vreodata. Breaking Bad a primit nominalizare pentru ultimul sezon, House of Cards este si el un candidat puternic, iar Game of Thrones se bucura de cea mai mare popularitate in randul fanilor. Insa surpriza adevarata este nominalizarea lui True Detective. Serialul de la HBO a avut un prim sezon pana acum si a reusit sa se impuna imediat ca un favorit in randul fanilor, iar criticii l-au numit unul dintre cele mai interesante seriale din ultimii ani.


Kevin Spacey, Bryan Cranston, Jon Hamm, Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson si Jeff Daniels se vor lupta pentru premiul de cel mai bun actor intr-un serial de drama. Game of Thrones a obtinut cele mai multe nominalizari - 19, House of Card - 16, True Detective - 12.


Cea de-a 66-a gala Primetime Emmy Awards va avea loc la Los Angeles, pe 25 august.



Lista completa a nominalizarilor la Premiile Daytime Emmy 2014


Cel mai bun serial de drama

Breaking Bad
Downton Abbey
Game of Thrones
House of Cards
Mad Men
True Detective




Cel mai bun serial de comedie

The Big Bang Theory
Modern Family
Orange is the New Black
Silicon Valley

Cea mai buna mini-serie

American Horror Story: Coven
Bonnie & Clyde
The White Queen

Cel mai bun film de televiziune

Killing Kennedy
Muhammad Ali's Greatest Fight
The Normal Heart
Sherlock: His Las Vow
The Trip to Bountiful

Cel mai bun actor in serial de drama

Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad
Jeff Daniels, The Newsroom
Jon Hamm, Mad Men
Woody Harrelson, True Detective
Matthew McConaughey, True Detective
Kevin Spacey, House of Cards

Cea mai buna actrita in serial de drama
Lizzy Caplan, Masters of Sex
Claire Danes, Homeland
Michelle Dockery, Downton Abbey
Julianna Marguiles, The Good Wife
Kerry Washington, Scandal
Robin Wright, House of Cards


Cel mai bun actor in miniserie drama

Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock
Chiwetel Ejiofor, Dancing on the Edge
Idris Elba, Luther
Martin Freeman, Fargo
Mark Ruffalo, The Normal Heart
Billy Bob Thornton, Fargo

Cea mai buna actrita in miniserie

Helena Bonham Carter, Burton and Taylor
Minnie Driver, Return to Zero
Jessica Lange, American Horror Story: Coven
Sarah Paulson, American Horror Story: Coven
Cicely Tyson, The Trip to Beautiful
Kristen Wiig, The Spoils of Babylon

Cel mai bun actor in serial de comedie

Louis CK, Louie
Don Cheadle, House of Lies
Ricky Gervais, Derek
Matt LeBlanc, Episodes
William H. Macy, Shameless
Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory

Cea mai buna actrita in serial de comedie

Lena Dunham, Girls
Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep
Melissa McCarthy, Mike & Molly
Amy Poehler, Parks & Recreation
Taylor Schilling, Orange is the New Black

Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar in serial de drama

Aaron Paul, Breaking Bad
Jim Carter, Downton Abbey
Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
Josh Charles, The Good Wife
Mandy Patinkin, Homeland
Jon Voight, Ray Donovan

Cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar in serial de drama

Anna Gunn, Breaking Bad
Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey
Joanne Froggatt, Downton Abbey
Lena Headey, Game of Thrones
Christine Baranski, The Good Wife
Christina Hendricks, Mad Men


Cel mai bun actor in serial de comedie

Andre Braugher, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Adam Driver, Girls
Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Modern Family
Ty Burrell, Modern Family
Fred Armisen, Portlandia
Tony Hale, Veep

Cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar in serial de comedie

Mayim Bialik, The Big Bang Theory
Julie Bowen, Modern Family
Allison Janney, Mom
Kate Mulgrew, Orange is the New Black
Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live
Anna Chlumsky, Veep

Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar in miniserie sau film de televiziune

Colin Hanks, Fargo
Tommy Boatwright, The Normal Heart
Mickey Marcus, The Normal
Ben Weeks, The Normal Heart
Felix Turner, The Normal Heart
Martin Freeman, Sherlock

Cea mai buna actrita in miniserie

Frances Conroy, American Horror Story: Coven
Kathy Bates, American Horror Story: Coven
Angela Bassett, American Horror Story: Coven
Allison Tolman, Fargo
Ellen Byrstyn, Flowers in the Attic
Julia Roberts, The Normal Heart

Guest Actor in a Drama

Paul Giamatti, Downton Abbey
Dylan Baker, The Good Wife
Reg E. Cathey, House of Cards
Robert Morse, Mad Men
Beau Bridges, Masters of Sex
Joe Morton, Scandal

Guest Actress in a Drama

Margo Martindale, The Americans
Diana Rigg, Game of Thrones
Kate Mara, House of Cards
Allison Janney, Masters of Sex
Jane Fonda, The Newsroom
Kate Burton, Scandal

Guest Actor in a Comedy

Bob Newhart, The Big Bang Theory
Nathan Lane, Modern Family
Steve Buscemi, Portlandia
Jimmy Fallon, Saturday Night Live
Louis C.K., Saturday Night Live
Gary Cole, Veep

Guest Actress in a Comedy

Natasha Lyonne, Orange is the New Black
Uzo Aduba, Orange is the New Black
Laverne Cox, Orange is the New Black
Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live
Melissa McCarthy, Saturday Night Live
Joan Cusack, Shameless

Outstanding Variety Series

The Colbert Report
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Real Time With Bill Maher
Saturday Night Live
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Outstanding Reality Competition

The Amazing Race
Dancing With the Stars
So You Think You Can Dance
Project Runway
Top Chef
The Voice

Reality Host

Betty White, Betty White's Off Their Rockers
Tom Bergeron, Dancing With the Stars
Jane Lynch, Hollywood Game Night
Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, Project Runway
Cat Deeley, So You Think You Can Dance
Anthony Bourdain, The Taste

Outstanding Reality Show (Structured)

Antiques Roadshow
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
Shark Tank
Undercover Boss
Who Do You Think You Are?

Outstanding Reality Show (Unstructured)

Alaska: The Last Frontier
Deadliest Catch
Flipping Out
Million Dollar Listing
Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan

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