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The D is silent: cele mai memorabile replici de Oscar din acest an

Un film bun nu poate exista fara un scenariu genial. In acest an, in competitie la Oscar se afla 10 scenarii extrem de diferite: de la arta discursului scrisa de Tony Kushner in Lincoln si pana la replicile spumoase din Django Unchained, toate filmele de Oscar din acest an au cateva replici memorabile.

The D is silent: cele mai memorabile replici de Oscar din acest an

Regie: Ben Affleck
Distributie: Ben Affleck, John Goodman, Alan Arkin
Scenarist: Chris Terrio

Va e teama de Ayatollah? Sa vezi cum e Asociatia Scenaristilor ( "You're worried about the Ayatollah? Try the WGA) - Alan Arkin in rolul Lester

"Argo f--- yourself." (replica lui Alan Arkin Lester, atunci cand e intrebat ce inseamna titlul Argo)


Regie: Michael Haneke
Distributie: Emmanuelle Riva,  Jean-Louis Trintignant,
Scenarist: Michael Haneke

Nu vreau sa mai continui (I don't want to go on)  - Emmanuelle Riva in rolul Anne


Beasts of the Southern Wild

Regie: Benh Zeitlin
Distributie:  Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight Henry
Scenarist: Lucy Alibar, Benh Zeitlin

Peste milioane de ani, cand copiii or sa se duca la scoala, or sa stie ca odata a existat Hushpuppy, care locuia cu taticul ei in Bathtub. (In a million years, when kids go to school, they gonna know: Once there was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub)  - Quvenzhané Wallis in rolul Hushpuppy

Vad ca sunt o mica parte dintr-un univers urias si asta face ca lucrurile sa fie in regula (I see that I am a little piece of a big, big universe, and that makes it right)  -Quvenzhané Wallis in rolul Hushpuppy

Silver Linings Playbook

Regie: David O. Russell
Distributie: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence
Scenarist: David O. Russell, Matthew Quick

Imi urasc boala si vreau sa o controlez. Asta cred eu ca e adevarat: trebuie sa faci tot ce poti,trebuie sa o faci din rasputeri, si daca o faci, daca ramai optimist, ai o sansa la un aspect pozitiv. (I hate my illness and I want to control it. This is what I believe to be true: You have to do everything you can and if you stay positive you have a shot at a silver lining)   - Bradley Cooper in rolul Pat

Am fost o mare curva, dar nu mai sunt. Mereu o sa fie o parte din mine, dezordonata si murdara, dar imi place, cu toate celelalte parti ale mele. Poti sa spui acelasi lucru despre tine, nenorocituleI ( I was a slut. There will always be a part of me that is dirty and sloppy, but I like that, just like all the other parts of myself. I can forgive. Can you say the same for yourself, f---er?)  - Jennifer Lawrence in rolul Tiffany

Django Unchained
Regie: Quentin Tarantino
Distributie: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio
Scenarist: Quentin Tarantino

Sa ucizi albi si sa fii platit pentru asta? Ce nu este de placut? (Kill white people and get paid for it? What's not to like)  - Jamie Foxx in Django

Django, te-ai intors, nenorocitule!/ D-ul este tacut, taranule (D-jango, you black son of a bitch! / The D is silent, hillbilly)  - Jamie Foxx in rolul Django ii raspunde  personajului Billy Crash



Regie: Robert Zemeckis
Distributie: Denzel Washington, John Goodman
Scenarist:  John Gatins

Nu mai puteam spune nicio minciuna. Poate ca sunt un fraier. Pentru ca daca as fi spus inca o singura minciuna, as fi putut sa scap de toata incurcatura aia. Mi-as fi pastrat slujba si falsul sentiment de mandrie. Si, mai important, as fi putut evita sa fiu inchis aici cu voi...oameni de treaba in aceste ultime 13 luni. (I could not tell one more lie. And maybe I'm a sucker. Because if I had just told one more lie, I could have walked away from that whole mess and kept my wings and my false sense of pride, and most importantly, I would have avoided being locked up here with all of you nice folks for the last 13 months)   - Denzel Washington in rolul Whip Whitaker.

Life of Pi

Regie: Ang Lee
Distributie: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan
Scenarist:  David Magee, Yann Martel

Presupun ca, in cele din urma, viata devine un act de despartire. Dar ceea ce mereu va durea cel mai tare e faptul ca nu ne luam ramas bun. (I suppose, in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye)  - Irrfan Khan, in varianta batrana a lui Pi.

Eu pot manca biscuiti, dar Dumnezeu a facut tigrii carnivori, asa ca trebuie sa invat sa pescuiesc. Daca nu, ma tem ca ultima lui masa va fi un vegetarian slabanog. (I can eat the biscuits, but God made tigers carnivorous, so I must learn to catch fish. If I don't, I'm afraid his last meal would be a skinny vegetarian boy)  - Suraj Sharma in rolul Pi

Regie: Steven Spielberg
Distributie: Daniel Day-Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Sally Field
Scenarist: Tony Kushner,  Doris Kearns Goodwin

Eu sunt presedintele Statelor Unite ale Americii, investit cu o putere enorma! Imi veti procura aceste voturi (I am the president of the United States of America, clothed in immense power! You will procure me those votes)  -  Daniel Day-Lewis in rolul lui Abraham Lincoln

Moonrise Kingdom

Regie: Wes Anderson
Distributie: Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, Edward Norton
Scenarist:  Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola

Te intereseaza ca fiica ta tocmai a fugit de acasa?/ Asta e o intrebare capcana. (Does it concern you that your daughter's just run away from home?"/ "That's a loaded question)   -  Bill Murray in rolul domnului Bishop ii raspunde lui Frances McDormand, in rolul doamnei Bishop.

As vrea sa ma fac aventuriera. Nu vreau sa raman doar intr-un loc. Dar tu?  (I want to go on adventures, I think. Not get stuck in one place. How about you?)  - Kara Hayward in rolul lui Suzy

Zero Dark Thirty
Regie: Katryn Bigelow
Distributie: Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton
Scenarist: Mark Boal

Eu sunt nenorocita care a gasit locul asta, domnule (I'm the motherf---er that found this place, sir) - Jessica Chastain in rolul lui Maya

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