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Twilight: 11 nominalizari la Zmeura de Aur, este considerat cel mai slab film din 2012

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II, finalul francizei Twilight este considerat  cel mai slab film din 2012, scrie

Twilight: 11 nominalizari la Zmeura de Aur, este considerat cel mai slab film din 2012

Pelicula cu Kristen Stewart si Robert Pattinson a primit nu mai putin de 11 nominalizari la Zmeura de Aur, trofeul care "recompenseaza" cele mai proaste filme si performante actoricesti.  Fanii seriei Amurg au ramas la fel de devotati francizei si au umplut cinematografele din toata lumea, Saga Amurg: Zori de Zi: Partea II ajungand la incasari de 813 de milioane de dolari.

Comedia That's My Boy, dar si blockbusterul cu buget de peste 200 de milioane de $, Battleship au fost nominalizate si ele la categoria cel mai prost film. Kristen Stewart,  Robert Pattinson si Taylor Lautner se "lupta" si la categoriile cei mai slabi actori.  In acest an, premiile vor fi decernate pe 23 februarie, cu o zi inainte de Oscaruri.


Nominalizari Zmeura de Aur 2013

Cel mai prost film
The Oogieloves in Big Balloon Adventure
That’s My Boy
A Thousand Words
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II

Cel mai prost regizor
Sean Anders, That’s My Boy
Peter Berg, Battleship
Bill Condon, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II
Tyler Perry, Good Deeds / Madea’s Witness Protection
John Putch, Atlas Shrugged: Part II

Cea mai slaba actrita
Katherine Heigl, One for the Money
Milla Jovovich, Resident Evil: Retribution
Tyler Perry, Madea’s Witness Protection
Kristen Stewart, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II / Snow White and the Huntsman
Barbra Streisand, The Guilt Trip


Cel mai slab actor
Nicolas Cage, Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance / Seeking Justice
Eddie Murphy, A Thousand Words
Robert Pattinson, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II
Tyler Perry, Alex Cross / Good Deeds
Adam Sandler, That’s My Boy

Cea mai slaba actrita secundara
Jessica Biel, Playing For Keeps / Total Recall
Brooklyn Decker, Battleship / What to Expect When You’re Expecting
Ashley Greene, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II
Jennifer Lopez, What to Expect When You’re Expecting
Rihanna, Battleship

Cel mai slab actor secundar
David Hasselhoff, Pirannha 3-DD
Taylor Lautner, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II
Liam Neeson, Battleship / Wrath of the Titans
Nick Swardson, That’s My Boy
Vanilla Ice, That’s My Boy

Cea mai slaba distributie
The Oogieloves in Big Balloon Adventure
That’s My Boy
The Twilight Saga: Eclipsed Part II
Madea’s Witness Protection

Cel mai prost remake/sequel
Ghost Rider 2: Spirit of Vengeance
Pirannha 3-DD
Red Dawn
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II
Madea’s Witness Protection


Cel mai slab cuplu
Mackenzie Foy si Taylor Lautner in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II
Robert Pattinson si  Kristen Stewart in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II
Adam Sandler si Andy Samber / Leighton Meester / Susan Sarandon in That’s My Boy



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